Archive for the ‘On/File’ Category

On/File: A Continuing Record of Groups, People, Movements, and Events Impacting Contemporary Religion

1) Ignatian Yoga is the latest attempt to graft Christian meanings and messages onto yoga practices, this time taking its inspiration from Jesuit contemplation and meditation. The practice is drawing enthusiastic crowds to retreats and workshops drawing on the public appeal of both yoga and Ignatian spirituality. It began in 2014 at Fordham University in […]

On/File: A Continuing Record of Groups, Movements, People, and Events Impacting Religion

1. The Church Militant has become one of the largest and most influential conservative Catholic media organizations through its use of Internet technology and its frequent attacks on the church hierarchy during a period when the pope, bishops, and other church leaders are in the spotlight for their role in the sex abuse crisis in […]

On/File: A Continuing Record of Movements, Groups, People and Events Impacting Religion

The Nuns and Nones project attempts to bring the non-affiliated and Catholic sisters into dialogue, activism and social reflection together. While “nones” are a growing and youthful segment of the American population and Catholic nuns are aging and declining in numbers, the project maintains that the two groups share a common social outlook and a […]

On/File: A Continuing Record of New Movements, Groups, People and Events Impacting Religion

1. Kopimism, a new religious movement that grew out of the piracy and anti-copyright movement, has been considered a parody religion, but more recently it has taken on the trappings of an actual religion, or at least a quasi-religion. The movement was started in 2010 by Isak Gerson in Sweden, which was the hub of […]

On/File: A Continuing Record of People, Movements, Groups, and Events Impacting Religion: July 2018

The Modeling Religion Project uses computational models and simulations to evaluate the role of religion in societies under stress. The project, run by the Center for Mind and Culture in Boston, led by Wesley Wildman, the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center at Old Dominion University, and the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway, uses […]

On/File: A Continuing Record of Groups, People, Movements and Events Impacting Religion: May 2018

1) Started from a small group meeting in his house, Thomas McConkie has created a blend of Buddhism and Mormonism that draws up to 200 people—most of them from Mormon families—through guided meditations at a monthly gathering of the Lower Lights Sangha. Lower Lights Sangha is said to be a laboratory where a new generation […]

On/File: A Continuing Record of Groups, Movements, People, and Events Impacting Religion

1. The American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute (AMCLI) is one of the country’s most influential networks of American Muslim civic leaders. Founded in 2006, AMCLI is based at the University of Southern California’s Center for Religion and Civic Culture. The Carnegie Foundation helped inaugurate the program with an initial $50,000 grant, followed by a $200,000 […]

On/File: A Continuing Record of Groups, Movements, People and Events Shaping Contemporary Religion

Peoples Temple, the group most infamous for the Jonestown murder-suicides in 1978, is being reestablished by clergy in the Disciples of Christ (Christian Churches). Peoples Temple was a movement within the Disciple of Christ well-known for its strong social justice thrust in American inner-cities under the leadership of Jim Jones until he moved the group […]

On/File: A Continuing Record of Groups, Movements, People, and Events Impacting Religion

1) A movement known as the Remnant is drawing dissident Mormons with its strongly anti-institutional teachings and practices stressing supernatural experiences. Self-proclaimed prophet Denver Snuffer Jr., who claimed to have a face-to-face meeting with Jesus and was excommunicated from the LDS church in 2013, leads the group. Claiming that after the death of founder Joseph […]

On/File: A Continuing Record of People, Groups, Movements, and Events Impacting Religion

Father James Mallon has gained prominence among Catholics for his synthesis of evangelical and Catholic practices while growing his parish in Canada, and now he is taking his teachings on the road with the formation of the Divine Renovation Network. Based on his widely popular book Divine Renovation, the network will work with churches in […]