Archive for the ‘Features’ Category

2024 religion mirroring 2023 but casting its own shadow

Journalists and other observers seem to agree that religion in 2024 was more of the same from 2023—as seen in the slow-motion schism in the United Methodist Church and Israel’s war with Hamas and its repercussions for American Jews and Muslims. Even the Trump campaign and election were something of a replay of 2016 and […]

American “cultural Christians”: a new secular-religious hybrid?

The label “cultural Christian” has become a new way to position oneself between theism and a rejection of the value of Western culture and civilization that has its foundation in Christianity, according to the Christian Science Monitor (December 18). Sophie Hills reports that Elon Musk, a name usually associated with atheism, now calls himself a […]

Trump presidency signaling rollback of secularism or rise of irreligious right?

Both supporters and opponents of Donald Trump see his election as signaling a changing of the guard in American politics and culture beyond that of his own proposed policies, even if both camps also share some uncertainty about the contours of those changes. When it comes to the role of religion in the new politics, […]

Conservative Millennials, Gen Xers versus progressive Baby Boomers in church conflicts?

Confrontations and tensions between Baby Boomers and younger generations in churches and the wider society are nothing new, but these generational rifts are not necessarily following traditional scripts. In the conservative e-journal Public Discourse (November 13), James LaGrand reports that traditionally minded younger church members have been opposing Baby Boomers for their progressive leanings and […]

Amish work ethic driving upward mobility?

The Amish’s high fertility, communal practices, and lifestyles are coming together to fuel upward mobility and economic flourishing, according to recent articles and research. Aaron Renn’s newsletter (November 1) cites a Wall Street Journal article reporting on how Holmes County, Ohio, a bastion of the Amish, has become a standout for economic mobility among millennials. […]

Religion not computing for robots for now

While theological perspectives remain open to the possibility of artificial intelligence (AI) developing the capacity for religious experiences, one theologian argues that the deeply embodied and evolutionary roots of human religion suggest that even highly advanced AI systems would likely be incapable of developing anything comparable to human religious behavior. Marius Dorobantu, an Assistant Professor […]

Catholic vote and public discourse endangered?

As with Americans in general, it may be too early to make forecasts about the shape of the Catholic vote in this very close presidential election, according to recent polls. Just as Catholic voting patterns are no longer as predictable as they once were, distinct public Catholic voices are no longer being heard above the […]

DNA tests spark Jewish reconnections and conversions

The popularity of at-home DNA tests has led to a surge in conversions to Judaism, reports Kaya Burgess in The Times of London (September 20). Dr. Jonathan Romain, a senior rabbi and convenor of the UK Reform Beit Din (rabbinic court), reports that this phenomenon has become increasingly common in recent years. Individuals who discover […]

Sociologists and evangelicals take up the secular narrative

At this year’s conference of the Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR), which RW attended in Montreal in early August, it was obvious that there has been a shift of interest and emphasis toward secularism among scholars in the past few years. There were fewer sessions and papers on the growth of religious congregations […]

New converts and new politics in American Catholicism

The entrance of JD Vance as the Republican vice-presidential contender reflects a new breed of Catholic convert that is reshaping Republican politics, Matthew Schmitz, a founder and editor of the online magazine Compact, writes in an opinion piece in the New York Times (August 14). Vance, who converted to Catholicism after attending Yale Law School, […]