1) The prediction of Christ’s return in 2011, known as the May 2nd movement, gained considerable traction among evangelicals, although now it only exists as a remnant of end-times believers. Harold Camping, a Bible teacher and president of the evangelical Family Radio Network, initially made his prediction of Christ’s return for 1994 based on an […]
The American Solidarity Party (ASP), which describes itself as “based in the tradition of Christian democracy” has been gaining members and has even won some election victories since the 2020 election cycle. Started in 2016, the party sees itself as espousing much of Catholic social teachings, even though it is open to those of all religions and to nonbelievers.
1) The Archdiocese of Quebec has recently changed over to “missionary status,” a reflection of its declining parishes and numbers, but it is using its designation to stress evangelism and a more countercultural stance. Led by Cardinal Gerald Lacroix, the archdiocese is undergoing a reorientation away from an establishment church model and towards that of a “field hospital” church, which is a model Pope Francis has advocated.
Mochers Magazine, a new Jewish men’s lifestyle publication in the New York-New Jersey area, suggests how consumerism has found a place in the Orthodox community. Mochers seeks to help observant Jews, who are “Conservadox, Modern Orthodox or Yeshivish,” make the best use of their free time, with “premium content by experts in their fields about the rewards that come after a hard week of work and learning.”
The Republican Brotherhood, a reformist and esoteric Muslim movement from Sudan, has largely been dispersed to the Gulf States and the U.S., but in the process, it faces new difficulties in sustaining itself. The Republican Brotherhood was founded in 1956 by Mahmoud Mohamed Taha to promote social reform based on divine revelations he claimed to receive.
Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU) is having a significant influence on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, as it attempts to bring together the politics of the broader movement with the religious ideals of the denomination. Started in 2015, BLUU has transitioned from a denominational caucus meant to strengthen African-American representation in Unitarianism to a “spiritual resource and home for BLM activists who are wary of traditional black churches.”
The recent formation of the Patriot Church network illustrates the intense support a large segment of the evangelical world has given to Donald Trump that may outlast his presidency if he loses the election. The Patriot Church was founded on the weekend of September 11 by Ken Peters, a pastor in Spokane, Washington, to galvanize evangelicals around the Trump agenda.
The COVID-19 lockdown has pushed the pagan festival, Witchfest USA in New York City, to a new level of technological sophistication and expertise. Witchfest USA is hosted annually by the NYC Wiccan Family Temple, founded by Reverend Starr RavenHawk, and began in 2012 as a fundraising event for the temple to purchase its building. Modeled along the lines of the Witchfest in the UK, the American festival was scheduled to take place in early July.
The Bosnian Pyramids in the village of Voskia in Bosnia have become a prominent New Age pilgrimage site. The formation is part of a series of pyramid-shaped mountains and tunnels in central Bosnia and Herzegovina that have long been a center of nationalist pride.
The newly launched Hurma Project is a Muslim expression of the broader #MeToo movement and is direct response to cases of sexual abuse by leaders in the Islamic community. The project, started by Canadian Islamic scholar Ingrid Mattson, recently had its first conference looking at abuse in Muslim spaces.