The Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR) has caught the attention of journalists and social critics for seeking to revive a fraternal order for men of a Christian and conservative bent. The group’s founders, Scott Yenor and Skyler Kressin, argue that the only places left for male bonding in American society are in sports or men’s church groups, but such groups either domesticate or isolate men from making contributions to civic life. The society was also started in 2020 to combat the loneliness and “deaths of despair” that have been found to be prevalent among American middle-aged men. The group seeks to develop deep friendship and community involvement based on a shared Christian faith, belief in natural law, and a commitment to traditional marriage. The society is ecumenical, promoting fellowship across denominational lines. The society’s activities include holding dinners, lectures, roundtable discussions and special events that can range from seminars on ethical investing to dressing professionally. The founders say that their gatherings, which are by invitation only, have led to the formation of new businesses and partnerships. The society has come under attack from critics on the left who charge that the secretive nature of the organization carries a political agenda with theocratic tendencies that recruits members from the upper crust of American society. Supporters and members of the society argue that the organization, with about 12 branches nationwide, is only advocating for what fraternal orders in the U.S. have done for 150 years. (Source: First Things, April 5; Talking Points Memo, March 9)